Call Us: 1300 880 818
When your operations encounter an event such as equipment failure, a product recall or an external incident, a plan to switch over to a prepared facility ensures there is no disruption experienced in your market place.
When your own people know your business, they know how to handle the difficult questions and give the right responses to enquirers. Combine them with the ultimate facility and you’ve found the key to success: Your team, our facility.
In today’s competitive environment, a motivated ambitious and results driven team is what it takes to meet the challenge of continuously improving margins on products and services.
Consumer Insights are at the height of relevance in a world of rapid expansion of consumer choice. Data Response has a skilled consumer liaison team able to build a knowledge base essential to product development, quality management, marketing strategy, business development, customer care and distribution.
Managing your customers’ experience means starting with the right people, then supporting them with technology and resources, and creating a culture to compliment a positive customer experience.
We specialise in being able to provide rapid turnaround on small, bespoke projects e.g. custom webform design, email opt-out and information gathering forms, information look-up systems and 'stop-gap' systems to quickly meet disaster recovery requirements. We can also build larger systems for specialised CRM, sales and loyalty management.
Our Active Inventory Manager controls all aspects of an order in a multi client environment and adapts to special requirements of product ranges such as size, colour and style.
Retail dealerships, agents and outlets depend on companies they represent to provide them with information and materials that facilitate the sales and service function of a retailer.
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